Texto en inglés indicando las razones por las que elegimos la carrera


I chose the Public Security career. Since from the age of 13. I have been drawn to criminal issues, such as investigating the scene of crime, conducting an examination, an autopsy, knowing why this happened; I have seen the injustices that exist regarding a crime, it is not investigated correctly and many times innocent people pay for things that they did not do therefore the responsible ones are free and committing more crimes.
The situation in Mexico today demands that more police be involved and have a sense of justice. That is why my choice of this race I want to fight injustice, impunity that is lived today with social responsibility and help victims of crime and innocent people.

I think it is an exciting profession because it is a very diverse career, many topics are learned. And all in favor of justice.


  1. Estimada Melissa Sánchez:

    Agradezco tu aportación.

    Saludos cordiales.


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